Neighborhood Emergency Communications

I’ve decided to focus on emergency communications for a while—mainly neighborhood emergency communications. I feel this is an area a lot of communities can improve.

There’s an excellent article called, New Madrid Seismic Zone Earthquake – Joint State of Missouri & Region VII Response Operations Plan. It’s a very detailed 800+ page response guide to a magnitude 7.7 earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ).

The main takeaway point is that help isn’t coming anytime soon.

72 hours should be the minimum time to expect an organization’s help. Your neighbors will be the first responders.

Local emergency services like police, fire, and EMS will immediately be overwhelmed and become ineffective.

What I hope to build here is a neighborhood emergency communications plan that can be used for anything from an ice storm to an earthquake. The better you’re prepared, the higher your chances of survival.